Support the Prague Parent-Child Program

Non-profit organisation

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of PEKiP e.V. 2025

08.03.2025 in Wuppertal, Germany


The association supports group work for parents and infants in early childhood, focusing on primary prevention in the areas of healthcare and psychohygiene for young families. Additionally, it provides further training for professionals working in family education since 1988 mostly in Germany and german speaking countries (Austria and Swizerland).

Its focus is on promoting the specific group work of the Prague Parent-Child Program (PEKiP®), developed by  Ruppelt / Ruppelt and collaborators, based on the play, movement, and sensory stimulation principles of Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Koch (Prague).

The association encourages research into the early infant development. It promotes group work with parents and children during this early family time. The goal is to enable development and to support infant’s abilities in diverse ways. The association advocates for the application of these findings in public and provides ways to implement them in practice.

We see it as our duty to continue developing the PEKiP® concept and to address the needs of young families from various societal structures and cultures.

Board & Management

The PEKiP e.V. currently has more than 900 members. These include PEKiP® group leaders and institutions in family education. Every four years, the general assembly elects a new board.

The members of the current board
(Election period 2021 - 2025)

First Chairperson
Birgit Stegen-Sischka, Dipl.-Pädagogin aus Wuppertal

Deputy Chairperson
Ulla Busch-Löcker, Dipl.-Pädagogin aus Havixbeck

Tanja Schleyer, Erziehungswissenschaftlerin aus Bad Schönborn

Member of the board

Elke Hellweg-Schlömann, Erzieherin aus Freiberg &

Christiane Rohr, Dipl.-Sozialpädagogin aus Frankfurt


Staff Members

Managing Director
Anna Ruppelt

Head of Training Department/ PEKiP Institute
Nadine Fliegner

Other Staff Members

Tabea Monhof

Reinhild Overhoff

Graphic Designer: Svenja Schekalla

Quality Manager: Claudia Urssu


Co-founders of the Association (1988), Honorary Members, and First PEKiP Trainers who have made exceptional contributions to PEKiP:: Gudrun Kampmann, Dr. Dana Kubani, Liesel Polinski, Erika Roch, Gertrud Scherer, Annegret Thierhoff

Guiding Principles

Learning Through Movement – Pathways to the Future

We believe that all development begins with movement, that every movement initiates learning, and that learning means the future.

Every newborn is a unique individual. At birth, a baby brings the abilities to develop itself and form social relationships. These competencies must be recognized, respected, supported, and encouraged.

In our certification training programs, social pedagogy professionals learn how to empower parents to develop their own skills and abilities as fathers and mothers.
Thus, the PEKiP Association creates a solid foundation on which trust, appreciation, partnership, and conflict resolution can grow within the family, as prescribed by the principles of our democratic society.

"Families are the future!" Our PEKiP® groups lay the foundation for mutual development.


